Accessibility Plan


Fortigo continues to face competition for employees and currently is not attracting enough applicants from underrepresented populations such as persons with disabilities.

We will include a statement in our employment policies and offers that we will strive to provide any accommodations for persons with disabilities.
We will ensure that any advertising of positions will highlight our commitment to inclusion in our workforce.
We plan to provide training for hiring managers on accessibility and how they can ensure a barrier-free hiring, selection and accommodation process.

Built Environment

There is a need to expand our understanding of the range and variety of accommodation options available to persons with disabilities interested in joining our team.

We plan to develop a framework that helps managers understand their responsibilities in the accommodation process and guides them in supporting their employees and implementing suitable workplace adjustments.
We plan to work with our building owners on addressing any areas that may hinder employees from accessing our premises.

Some spaces within the office and truck yard may limit the mobility of employees and visitors with disabilities.

We plan to review our current floor plans to ensure that employees have signage and space of workstations allows for people with disabilities to move around.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The current IT team is not well versed in accessibility technology and does not know how to assist persons with disabilities in the workplace.

We plan to ensure our information and communication technologies (ICT) are accessible.
We will work with our IT team to train IT employees to increase their accessibility knowledge and learn how to adapt services and improve interactions with persons with disabilities.

Communications other than ICT

The Company does not have a consistent process to ensure alternate formats of communication that it issues to employees and other stakeholders are available.

Identify service providers and develop contracts or agreements to create alternate formats, where appropriate and when needed.

Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities

The Company’s procurement procedures and practices do not take into account accessibility requirements.

We will plan to update the procurement procedures to include accessibility considerations into procurement templates (RFPs) so that external vendors are required to confirm that they will abide by the requirements of the Accessible Canada Act.

Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

Currently the company does not have a standard approach for ensuring all programs, processes and services have taken accessibility into account.

Leverage the mandatory requirement to consult with persons with disabilities to review and provide feedback on all programs, processes policies and services.


We do not have any current issues with our Independent Contractors on requiring any accommodations to meet their needs.

As part of our ongoing recruitment process for any ICs we will ensure that they are aware of our commitment to accessibility and that we are prepared to address any accommodation requirements.


We have gathered feedback and input from our team members through an employee survey.We will engage with external organizations supporting persons with disabilities to understand any barriers they have.